




The Kronos well pump

The Kronos well pump is about four feet long.  It is less than 3 inches in diameter.  It can pump abour 1.3 gallons of water per minute at 100 feet deep.  It is made to pump into a holding tank and not supply water pressure for a house.  If you wish to have water pressure then you will have to have an additional pump.  There are two moving parts, one check valve located in the bottom of the unit and one more inside the water fitting at the top of the unit.  The unit is designed to operate vertical but anything close will work as well.  The pump is made from PVC pipe and the check valves can be replaced or cleaned and the unit can be put back together.  Care should be taken to insure that the two bulkhead fittings at the top of the pump stay tight.  When attaching an air or water line to the fittings always place a wrench on the fitting nut so it does not turn.  If it does become loose you can remove the cap and tighten them.  There is a three foot long PEX tube inside of the pipe.  This allows the air pressure on top of the water to drive the water into the PEX tubing and then up to the surface.  The timing of the controller should be adjusted so the pressure cycle stops before the air gets to the bottom of the PEX water pipe.


Several years ago I came to realize that many people who think they are prepared for the grid going down or an EMP pulse only really have a temporary water solution.  I saw a need for an inexpensive well pump that operated on a power source immune from the effects of a solar flare or EMP pulse.  I knew that air pressure could be stored easily and made easily by rotary wind vanes or a solar panel and an electric compressor.  This site and products are the water solution I came up with.  It may not be perfect but it will keep you alive.  All of the parts are made of materials which do not make the water unsafe to drink.  Stainless steel, PVC,  and brass make up the main parts.

Everyone should have an emergency water backup plan.  A few gallons of water set aside is great but when it runs out you and everyone else will be searching for clean water.  Open water systems will quickly become contaminated.

In my study of people who prepare for disaster I came across what is known as preppers.  People who try and set aside food or equipment which in a disaster will help them or their neighbors.  We all rely on our technology and if it were to go away  we would lose our ability to survive.  Either exposure, lack of water or food will cause us to wander about with millions of others seeking the necessities of life.

In order to be totally prepared we need to have a plan which supplies shelter, food, and water.  In a major disaster we need to be completely self sufficient with a continuous supply of energy, food, and water.  This is not easy to do.  To attempt to do this on your own will probably not work.  A group of people with the required skills and material will be needed for long term survival.  This site is dedicated to one part of a survival plan.  I will talk about my plans and my systems but I make no guarantee that what I do will work in all environments.  It is best that each of you form your own plans and test all of the systems.  An emergency is not the time to dust off a pile of stuff in the garage to see if it will help you survive.

Please send me any suggestions on survival systems and I will post the ones I think make sense.

This site deals with well pumps, emergency water systems, Preppers, air pump, safe water, EMP issues, Nuclear bomb survival, clean water, Solar flare issues, solar flare 1859, solar flare 1989 Canada, fires caused by electric fields, EMP pulses, emergency survival, Air pressure, inexpensive well pump, cheap well pump, small budget, well case, well cap, solar panals, wind energy, turbine blades, fan blades, electric generation, and many more things.

We at water72 are dedicated to supplying all of the key components so you can safely obtain water in an off grid environment.  The vertical wind vane and solar panel chargers are part of those solutions.  Low tech battery charging controllers are also part of the system we will offer. The systems are made to use renewable sources.  So you could call then green energy systems.  Right now we are projecting that our vertical wind vane will output two horsepower in a stiff wind.  Here in the White Mountains of Arizona a stiff wind is easy to come across.


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